Lost In Society - Modern Illusions

Lost In Society
Modern Illusions
Release Date: February 26, 2016 (out now)
Label: Altercation Records

I can't even begin to explain how much I love punk rock music. I love the scene, the look of it, and especially the sound. Punk is probably the most honest music out there, because it's not about sounding as polished as you can possibly be. It's about letting out raw emotion, whether it sounds smooth or sloppy. Lost In Society's newest record, Modern Illusions, falls more along the smooth side of things, but it maintains a punk edge that invokes memories of nights at punk clubs like Bottom of the Hill, Thee Parkside, and 924 Gilman Street here in the Bay Area. The entire tone of the record, clocking in around thirty-seven minutes, is a tone that's both intense yet not too in-your-face with its approach. Regardless, their sound is unabashedly raw and showcased in a fun manner throughout the album's eleven tracks. It's a must-listen release, and an addition to any burgeoning punk fan's record collection.  

This has been another Shameless Promotion. 

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