Holy White Hounds - Sparkle Sparkle

Holy White Hounds
Sparkle Sparkle
Producer: Brandon Darner
Label: Razor & Tie

Over the past couple of years, I've noticed a plethora of classic rock and roll bands seeping their way into the roster at Razor & Tie. It's a move that has seemed to work in their favor; they've recruited more bands in this genre and gotten them to move on to either their own successful headlining tours within their field, or go on to open up for much larger, legendary acts in the rock and roll world. 

Holy White Hounds is the most recent example of classic rock to meet Razor & Tie, and what an effective debut album they've placed onto the world. Elements of Nirvana, The White Stripes, Led Zeppelin, and numerous other bands from both the older and more modern eras of rock music can be heard throughout the album's eleven tracks. 

Each song has its own unique identity while still differentiating itself from one another, something that I believe to be rather hard for a lot of modern rock artists to do in this day and age. Give it a couple years, and their songwriting could be completely on par with any of the band's I just mentioned above. Rock is clearly making a comeback in the music scene, and it's very possible that Holy White Hounds could be one of those bands on the forefront of that comeback. 

Holy White Hounds

This has been another Shameless Promotion. 

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