Anthony Green - Pixie Queen


Anthony Green
Pixie Queen
Label: Moshtradamus Records
Release Date: September 9, 2016

Anthony Green, the voice behind bands like Circa Survive and Saosin, has unleashed his fourth solo effort on the world, this time in the form of an eleven-track, soul-soothing album called PIxie Queen. The album artwork gives you a rather stunning depiction as to what kind of sound you'll get. Most of the tracks are acoustic, or at least feature an element of acoustic guitar throughout the track, and it's rather reminiscent of someone sitting around a campfire and telling tales of their life through song. Some are more upbeat in tempo and style ("A Reason To Stay"), while others provide rather serious and heartfelt moments ("I'm Sorry For Everything I've Ever Done"). Overall, Green has released yet another lovely effort for all the world to hear. 

Anthony Green
Twitter: @anthonygreen
Instagram: @anthonygreen666

This has been another Shameless Promotion. 

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